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Feel the Pulse

Dr. Monique Siara

I am a 47-year-old healthy Canadian female who has been practicing dentistry for 22 years. I have suffered from vertigo for several years, its severity varying over time. Through the years, I have seen two ENT specialists and taken an antihistamine medication known as SERC for months at a time to treat my vertigo. The medical explanation is that it is a problem with my inner ear, for which there is really no treatment. Around three years ago, I decided to ask Dr. Moon if he could help me, having seen him at the tennis club where we both play. I went to see him and he explained that the Eastern medicine view is that vertigo is caused by an internal organ imbalance as opposed to an ear problem. For a few months, Dr. Moon treated me with acupuncture 2-3 times per week as well as with some organic herbal remedies. I was so relieved that my vertigo was gone! In addition to my treatments, Dr. Moon also helped me with other aspects of my health. Having practiced dentistry for so many years with poor posture, I was suffering from debilitating pain, mostly in my left back, shoulder and neck. My pain problem was solved by the acupuncture and Dr. Moon’s unique cupping technique. I had spent a lengthy amount of time and money on massage therapy, which was really not that helpful in solving my chronic pain problem. Another problem Dr. Moon stumbled upon was my mild asthma, something that I had suffered from since I was a teenager. I was using Symbicort, a corticosteroid inhaler, once or twice a day, depending on the severity of my asthma at the time. Dr. Moon told me that he could cure me of that, and indeed, he did. It took a few months of acupuncture, three times weekly, and taking his herbal medicine. But I am very happy to say that I have not used an inhaler in well over a year. I think the most interesting thing is that, as a dentist, trained at McGill University in Montreal, one would expect that I would not even entertain the thought of alternative medicine. On the contrary, I firmly believe that there is and should be a balance between Eastern and Western medicine. I have managed to convince many of my colleagues, patients, and family members of the same. The only way that I myself, as well as most people I know, believe in the power of acupuncture is by personally experiencing the benefits, both physical and emotional. I know that many people claim to do acupuncture, but the reason I trust Dr. Moon so much is that he is a fourth-generation acupuncturist from South Korea. Not only was he trained in school to do acupuncture, he grew up surrounded by it in his family. He has a natural talent for diagnosing and treating conditions that many medical doctors have missed. I would not attest to this if I had not experienced it myself in Dr. Moon’s capable hands. With Dr. Moon moving to Nova Scotia, Windsor, Ontario is losing both an extremely capable acupuncture doctor and a wonderful, caring man. Sent from Dr. Monique Siara's iPhone


David Toldo's testimonial on February 1, 2022

I'm a rather healthy individual who suffered from chronic headaches for over 10 years. After having no success with my family doctor [who wanted to put me on high blood pressure medication despite the fact that I did not and still do not have high blood pressure] or Neurologist [who suggested I take Advil to deal with the pain after the MRI], I learned to live with the pain because over-the-counter pain medication provided no relief. In the last 3 years, it has gotten to the point where I've not been able to sleep on the right side of my body because the pain in the right side of my head would elevate to unbearable levels.

Recently, an associate at work noticed I was in pain and suggested I go see an acupuncturist that his friend highly recommended. I agreed, and he provided me with the contact information for Dr. Moon on a 2 x 2 Post-it Note [I still have that Post-it].

I called Dr. Moon and arranged for my first appointment near the end of November. I reviewed with Dr. Moon the headache that I had been battling for years, hoping he could help. Dr. Moon set out a treatment plan to address the headache. This involved acupuncture as well as cupping therapy. Over the next 2+ months, I was treated by Dr. Moon and was shocked at the results. For the first time in over 10 years, I actually don't feel any pain in my head. I'm able to sleep on the right side of my head at night. No more head pain, no more headaches, no more over-the-counter pain relievers. What a relief!

During one of my treatments with Dr. Moon, I mentioned that I was having pain in my left calf due to some inflammation caused by varicose veins. I've had varicose veins in my left calf for years, and the treatment prescribed by my family doctor was compression socks and lotion for the bottom of my left foot, where the skin had begun to thicken and appear yellowish. For some reason, my leg suddenly flared up, resulting in heat, pain and an increase in the circumference of my calf by 1.5 inches compared to my right calf. Dr. Moon began treating the area and my body to address this additional concern. Within 2 weeks, the bulging veins had receded, the pain was gone, the calf no longer felt hot, the overall circumference of the left leg now matched my right leg, and to my amazement, the skin on the bottom of my left foot was now soft pink. I could actually feel the bottom of my left foot when I touched it!

It's amazing to me what Dr. Moon has been able to do for me. His approach and methods have definitely improved my quality of life. Rather than trying to deal with the symptoms, Dr. Moon looks to address the problem and solve the problem with a whole-body approach. That is why I call him a healer!

Armentha C. Houser

My doctor informed me that I had liver cancer on November 4, 2007.It was a blessing to have a wonderful medical doctor and a faith-healing holistic acupuncture doctor. My test results are still coming in. I am thanking God now for a perfectly healed body! My blood test in December indicated my CA 19.9 (tumor marker) result was 4698. In March it was 1549 and in April it was down to 364. I thank God for the complete healing of my body and having Dr. Moon and all my prayer warriors in my life!

Linda Jones

 After the migraines started to decrease, Dr. Moon began to work on my right shoulder. I play tennis and have over the years injured my shoulder to the point where I am unable to lift my right arm. Working on the computer, holding my grandchildren, or shaking someone’s hand was always painful, if not impossible. Today, however, I can report that my right shoulder is completely healed without a trace of injury or pain.

Patrice M. Miller

I have been a patient of Dr. Moon’s for 6 months. When I began my treatments with Dr. Moon, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hypo-thyroid disorder. With fibromyalgia, I was always tired and sore and had a lot of pain in my knees. I have stopped taking all medications and my thyroid levels are in the normal range. I have much more energy. My knees are still sore at times, but much better. I have since learned I have a torn ACL as well as my meniscus is torn. I also had heavy menstrual periods, but the last few months were pain free.

Freddie McCree

I have been suffering from pain in my hip for over two years. This pain caused me to walk with a limp. During one of my visits to Dr. Moon, he treated my hip. I am now proud to say that following a treatment by Dr. Moon on my hip, I no longer walk with a limp. And all the pain is gone. I truly feel like a new person. I sincerely thank God for Dr. Moon and his treatment of me.

Amy Conrad :

During the first month of your treatment, I became pregnant. I also believe that a key component of our success was the combination of acupuncture with herbs that you provided me. Both my husband and I credit you as a vital part of our success in becoming pregnant. Thank you.


Oliver Hickombottom

I visited Dr. Moon for an organ diagnosis because I was told that I had an enlarged prostate and I was tired of going to the bathroom many times during the day and night. I am also "legally blind", although I do have some in my right eye and very little in my left eye. My internist has also been trying to get me on blood pressure medicine for the past year, but I refused because I knew that had to be a natural way. I have had my ups and downs, especially with my kidney/bladder meridian on my right, but because of Dr. Moon’s diligent work through acupuncture and his gerbil medicine, visiting him twice a week, I am doing fine. I have a lot of energy. My blood pressure is great. ....... So what else can I say but that Dr. Moon is the best!

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